Painting.... and heartache.
Ive always admired people who paint. I even remember my first class and thinking “Wow! I’m really doing this!”
although I have moved mainly to digital for convenience, I always find myself back to pencil and paper.... well paint to canvas in this matter.
These are a few from one of my first art shows... and all I sold that day were print and otherwise paid in compliments.
The show before that sold nothing but stickers and I stared to doubt myself.
“Maybe I’m no good at this.”
”I should quit.”
This constantly circled through my mind. At the time I wasn’t where I anted to be in life and things were kind of grim and my motivation to be an artist was dwindling.
After a move, I hung these up along with paintings I I ad purchased and stores and realized that all that mattered is that they were on someone’s wall—even if it was my own. That’s what I wanted to see.
Heartbreak soon started to mend itself and motivation slowly returned. 💙